April 2024

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April Tree Planting
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
The 8th of April 2024 marked another successful tree planting day, as part of our Carbon Offsetting efforts at First Light Travel. Once again we joined in to support the Arrowtown Choppers - a grass roots community initiative, with their planting day, and planted an impressive total of 3,000 seedling beech trees. With over 150 enthusiastic volunteers from the local community, the task was completed in just over three hours. It was heartening to see so many happy faces coming down the hill afterward.
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Salisbury Falls Golden Bay
John Dunne - broadcaster, writer, skibum, sailor
John Dunne
Strap yourselves in for the ride of a lifetime! Imagine the world’s greatest physical features and adventure challenges all in one place, here on New Zealand’s South Island. You’ll be blown away by the formidable, snow capped mountain peaks and ranges, huge glacial lakes, imposing fiords, dense native rain forests, wonderfully wild isolation and to top it all off, we’ll strap you in a jetboat for a ride through a narrow river gorge, or tie you to a bungy chord and throw you off something! The locals are tame and very friendly, the countryside unique and at times almost frontier like, though best of all, it screams ‘come and play’.
John Dunne - broadcaster, writer, skibum, sailor
John Dunne

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